Terms and Conditions

Company of Women Travel (a.k.a. Company, Merchant, us, we, our) services small group travel trips (a.k.a. trips) that are purchased by a client (a.k.a. traveler, travelers, participant, participants, you, your). It is your, the client’s, responsibility to read and comprehend our Terms and Conditions. You will be required to confirm you have read, agree to, and understand Company of Women Travel’s Terms and Conditions and are bound to them in order to participate in any service we provide. Please contact us at mary@companyofwomentravel.com if you have any questions or concerns before using or participating in any of our services.

Company of Women Travel reserves the right to change our terms and conditions at any time. If you continue to visit and use our website and participate in our services provided you are in agreement with our Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any Terms and Conditions, you may cancel your Company of Women Travel website user account (if you have one) at any time, as well as cancel your trip reservation in writing in accordance to our Cancellation Policy & Fees below.

Table of Contents

1. Forms and Emails

Trip Registration Form

To register yourself for one of Company of Women Travel’s trips, you will need to fill out the online Trip Registration Form found on the specific trip’s webpage in which you wish to book under. You agree to and are required to fill out this online Trip Registration Form with accurate and true information that belongs to you. You will be asked to sign waivers, liability and consent during the online Trip Registration Form. Once completed and submitted you are bound to the terms, conditions, waivers, liabilities, consents, and electronic signatures completed within the online Trip Registration Form.

At the bottom of the online Trip Registration Form, click the button “Next” to advance to the next page of the form, or click the button “Previous” to return to a previous page of the form to make changes.

When you have successfully submitted the online Trip Registration Form and Registration Payment, you will receive a copy of your Registration Form to the email address you provided inside of the form (please make sure you spell your email address correctly, otherwise you will not receive your email correspondences). Your trip registration is not complete until you successfully submit the online Trip Registration form and submit the Registration Payment.

If you do not receive a copy of your online Trip Registration Form in your email inbox, or an email confirming your Registration Payment, please first check your “Spam” or “Junk” folder. If your emails are not there, please contact us at mary@companyofwomentravel.com.

Other Forms on the Website

Company of Women Travel uses forms on this website to conduct all of our business transactions and collect important information needed including but not limited to reserving a spot on our trips, creating a free user account on our website, signing into your free user account on our website, making payments, providing the required information we need for you to travel with us, and contacting us on the contact page.

Email Communication

In order to confirm business transactions and communicate information to you, Company of Women Travel uses email communication as their primary correspondence. When needed / requested on one of our services or forms, you agree to provide a valid email address that belongs to you so we are able to properly contact you and carry out any services you participate in. You agree to receive emails from @CompanyOfWomenTravel.com regarding the services you have purchased from us as a client, traveler, customer.

You agree and understand that emails from Company of Women Travel contain important information regarding the services or trips you purchased from us and that some emails may require you to act by a certain due date. Furthermore, you acknowledge that your failure to read emails from Company of Women Travel or failure to take action by a certain due date does not release you from any terms and conditions contained herein.

In the event you change your email address, it is your responsibility to notify Company of Women Travel immediately via email to mary@companyofwomentravel.com with the email SUBJECT line of: Change of Email for [First & Last Name]. Please provide your old and new email address in the text of the email.

2. Electronic Signatures

Company of Women Travel requests your electronic signature to complete various services or transactions on our website including but not limited to filling out an online Trip Registration Form, signing an online waiver, pre-screen waiver, liability form, consent form, or submitting an online payment. You agree and understand that providing your electronic signature is at your sole discretion and is required by you in agreement to our terms and conditions for you to participate in any services we provide or in order to submit the required payment for you to participate in any services we provide.

3. Payments

Submitting Trip Payments

To reserve your spot on a trip, you will need to submit a Reservation Payment at the time of reservation. No later than 7 days prior to the first day of the trip, you will need to submit your Final Payment otherwise you will be automatically released from your spot on the trip.

Paying Online

All payments can be done online through our secure website and are processed by PayPal. We do not store or keep your credit card information on our website. By submitting payment online during our checkout through PayPal, you are providing your authorization and electronic signature for Company of Women Travel to charge your credit card, debit card, or PayPal account the specific amount due at the time of checkout. We will send you a confirmation email after we charge your credit card, debit card, or PayPal account and this is your transaction receipt. It is your responsibility to verify that the amount charged to your credit card, debit card, or PayPal account is accurate and notify Company of Women Travel immediately if an error is discovered.

Other Payment Options

If you are unable to pay online, please contact us to discuss other options for paying for your trip.

Trip Payments Schedule

1. Reservation Payment

A non-refundable Reservation Payment of 50% of the total trip cost is collected during the online reservation process when booking your spot on the trip. You will have the option to pay 100% of the total trip cost as your Registration Payment if you prefer. The Reservation Payment will reserve your spot on the trip. Your spot will be secured once your Final Payment is made (100% of your trip cost is paid).

2. Final Payment

The Final Payment (Remaining Balance) of the total trip cost is due no later than 7 days prior to the first day of the trip. Failure to submit your Final Payment by the due date and time will result in an automatic release from trip attendance and loss of your spot on the trip. You can pay your Final Payment at any time. To view the instructions on how to pay your Final Payment, see the next paragraph.

Paying Your Final Payment

Once your Final Payment (Remaining Balance) Invoice is emailed to you:
1. Click on the “Remaining Balance” or “Pay Remaining Balance” link inside the email to make payment, or
2. Sign-in your Company of Women Travel “My Account” here. On your “My Account” dashboard menu, click on the “Orders” menu tab. Find the trip in your orders list. Click the “Pay” button next to your trip order to make payment.

4. Final Sign-Up Date

The final sign-up date for each trip is 7 days prior to the first day of the trip. Each trip has its final sign-up date posted on its main trip information page underneath the “Pricing, Payments & Inclusions” tab. If a participant books their spot on a trip on the final sign-up date, they must pay 100% of the trip cost at the time of registration. All forms must be filled out and submitted immediately, including but not limited to the Trip Registration Form and Covid-19 Pre-Screen Form. No refunds will be available if a cancellation is made after registering and paying 100% trip cost on the final sign-up date.

5. Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Made by the Traveler

1. Notification of Cancellation

In the event you need to cancel, Company of Women Travel MUST have the cancellation in writing. To cancel, email us at mary@companyofwomentravel.com with the SUBJECT line of: Trip Cancellation for [First & Last Name]. There are no exceptions to Company of Women Travel cancellation policy or cancellation fees and dates listed below.

2. Cancellation Fees and Dates

All payments are non-refundable if you cancel after their due date. The payment due dates are as follows:

Registration Payment Due Date

The Registration Payment of 50% of the total trip cost is due at the time you register for the trip. After registering for the trip and submitting your Registration Payment, that 50% of the total trip cost is non-refundable.

Final Payment Due Date

The Final Payment is due no later than 7 days prior to the first day of the trip – View each trip’s specific Final Payment due date underneath the “Pricing, Payments & Inclusions” tab on its main trip information page.

If you have paid your Final Payment and are cancelling before its due date, you will be refunded your Final Payment (50% of total trip cost). You will receive it within 15 business days, back to the form of payment you used.

Cancellation Made by Company of Women Travel

The Registration Payment is due at the time you register for the trip. After registering for the trip and submitting your Registration Payment it is non-refundable.

1. Trips Lacking Enough Travelers

7 days prior to the Final Payment due date listed on your trip’s page under “Pricing & Payments”, trips lacking enough travelers will be cancelled by Company of Women Travel and all travelers will be notified via email. All payments will be refunded within 15 business days back to the form of payment you used.

2. Trips Impacted by New or Ongoing Travel Disruptions

If or when new or ongoing travel disruptions arise, at our sole discretion, Company of Women Travel reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any trip at any time prior to the trip’s scheduled start date. New or ongoing travel disruptions are beyond the control of Company of Women Travel and Company of Women Travel is at no fault to them. New or ongoing travel disruptions could impact the ability of Company of Women Travel to deliver the promised trip services and place the health and safety of our travelers at severe risk. While these events are rare, conditions such as terrorist activities, acts of God/Nature, government restrictions to travel, transportation strikes, and other situations unforeseen or unnamed, can and do happen. Client acknowledges and agrees that the only potential recourse for reimbursement should these events occur is through the purchase of travel insurance that would cover such events.

3. Future Trip Cancellation

If Company of Women Travel cancels a future trip, and if the Final Payment due date of said trip is still in the future when the trip is cancelled, all payments will be refunded within 15 business days back to the form of payment you used.

4. Force Majeure (Superior Force)

No compensation or refund shall be due to the traveler from Company Of Women Travel for failure to perform obligations related to our trip if such failure, whether in whole or in part, occurs at or less than 96 hours prior to the trip start date, or while the trip is in progress, and is a result of acts of God/Nature (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane, volcano eruption, epidemics, pandemics, or other natural disasters), war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, cyber-attacks, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalism, government sanction, government border closures, government enforced quarantine, blockage, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of any mode of transportation, electricity, internet or telephone services, or anything else unforeseen or unnamed, any one of which could make delivery of trip services impaired or impossible to deliver or perform. Should such an event occur, Company Of Women Travel will work to determine if any remuneration may be available from the 3rd-party suppliers.

Company Of Women Travel assumes no responsibility or liability, in whole or in part, for any delay, change in schedule, loss, injury or damage or loss of any participant that may result from any act or omission on the part of others.

6. Covid-19 Protocol

If you have any questions or concerns related to COVID-19 and how Company of Women Travel is working to reduce the spread, please reach out directly via email to mary@companyofwomentravel.com.

Pre-Trip Requirements

Communication of Restrictions

The destination will be subject to a review by Company of Women Travel personnel for specific COVID-19 restrictions. Any applicable restrictions that participants should be aware of will be communicated in advance of the trip. Medical facilities with COVID-19 testing will be pre-identified should the need arise to pursue testing during the trip.

Covid-19 Waiver During Trip Registration

All participants are required to sign a COVID-19 Waiver during the online Trip Registration Form.

Covid-19 Pre-Screen Waiver Prior to Trip Start

All participants are required to complete and sign a thorough online COVID-19 Pre-Screen Waiver 7 days prior to their trip to review current health status, conduct contact tracing to ensure there is no risk of virus exposure and review pre-trip procedures. If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of the questions on the pre-screen, you must test negative in order to attend the trip. You will be contacted with instructions and the due date for completing the online Covid-19 Pre-Screen Waiver.

Trip Requirements

Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination

Company of Women Travel requires all travelers to be fully vaccinated at least 3 weeks (21 days) prior to the start of the trip for the health and safety of our travelers on our small group trips with lodging in close proximity. Company of Women Travel will require proof of a current COVID-19 vaccination for all travelers on our trips. You must bring your proof of vaccination with you on the trip. Proof includes the original vaccination record document issued by either:

1. Your country’s health authority that administered the vaccination (i.e. U.S. CDC’s Vaccination Record Card or Canadian provincial Ministry of Health certificate), or
2. The traveler’s medical provider that administered the vaccination.

Protective Measures During the Trip

On the trip, travelers must bring a mask(s) to be worn when required in order to abide by CDC guidelines and any guidelines of establishments on the Trip Itinerary.

The key risk factor for COVID-19 is density of people. Most of our trip will be enjoying the outdoors so the risk is low but we ask all participants to adhere to COVID-19 protective measures including, but not limited to:

1. Avoiding crowds and maintaining safe social distancing
2. Avoiding touching eyes, nose & mouth
3. Avoiding handshakes and hugging
4. Washing hands frequently with water & soap or hand sanitizer
5. Coughing or sneezing into your elbow or disposable tissue
6. Disposing of tissues immediately in a trash can
7. Wearing a face covering when required

7. Travel Insurance

Company of Women Travel does not offer travel insurance or travel protection plans. If a traveler feels that travel insurance or a travel protection plan is necessary for themselves, it is their responsibility to purchase the amount and type of insurance to cover any financial loss you may incur. Company of Women Travel will not be liable for any of a traveler’s losses.

8. Transportation and Traveler Delay

Company of Women Travel does not offer travel insurance or travel protection plans. If a traveler feels that travel insurance or a travel protection plan is necessary for themselves, it is their responsibility to purchase the amount and type of insurance to cover any financial loss you may incur. Company of Women Travel will not be liable for any of a traveler’s losses.


Participants will be responsible for their own transportation to the trip, to and from sights during the trip, and after the trip to best accommodate for if any unforeseen circumstances or changes in the itinerary that may be made. If you have any questions or concerns about transportation, please contact us at mary@companyofwomentravel.com.

Traveler Delay

Travelers who are delayed for whatever reason are responsible for notifying their Company of Women Travel Trip Guide of their situation and to communicate regularly with their Company of Women Travel Trip Guide as to their anticipated arrival time. Delayed travelers are responsible for joining the group as soon as possible and at their own expense.

9. Room Sharing

Room Sharing of travelers (as roommates) for trip lodging accommodations is assigned by Company of Women Travel to best fit the lodging accommodations of each specific trip.

If you have a group of 3 or more women who are interested in booking a trip together, and room sharing together, please Contact Us BEFORE booking to see if there is enough rooming accommodations for your group on the trip.

Room Sharing Discount

If you are assigned by Company of Women Travel to room share on the trip, you will receive a 10% discount of total trip cost in the form of a refund back to your form of payment used. After the trip’s final sign-up date, Company of Women Travel will set the Room Sharing assignments. If you are selected to share a room, the Room Sharing Discount will be refunded at this time and you will receive it within 15 business days.

Room Sharing Accommodations

If room sharing is required, each traveler will have their own separate bed inside of their assigned room.

Room Sharing With a Specific Traveler

If you wish to room share with another traveler you know on the trip, please select the option during the “Room Sharing” section of the online Trip Registration Form and type their name in the box that appears. Company of Women Travel will do their best to accommodate your request.

Decision to No Longer Room Share While on the Trip

While most room sharing matches result in wonderful friendships, success is not guaranteed. If during the trip you decide you would no longer like to share a room with your roommate you will need to book and pay for on your own a single room at the designated trip’s lodging site.

10. Itinerary Disclaimer

Company of Women Travel may modify your trip itinerary prior to departure at our sole discretion to facilitate the trip, to protect the health and safety of our participants, and when events occur that are beyond the control of Company of Women Travel. If we make an itinerary change that materially affects the character of the trip in its entirety (a “Material Change”), we will provide notice to all travelers via email as soon as reasonably possible, provided there is sufficient time to do so before departure.

Once a trip has departed, itinerary changes may be necessary as a result of unforeseen circumstances, operational concerns, or concerns for traveler health, safety, enjoyment or comfort. Any itinerary changes are at the sole discretion of Company of Women Travel.

11. Waivers, Liabilities & Consents

While filling out the online trip Registration Form in order to reserve your spot on a Company of Women Travel trip, you will be asked to agree and electronically sign various waivers, liabilities and consents including but not limited to an age consent, payment consent, assumption of risk liability, release and waiver of liability, and permission to release images consent. Once signed, you are bound to these terms and will receive a copy of all waivers, liabilities and consents in your email inbox. Any traveler who has questions or concerns about any of these waivers, liabilities, and consents are asked to please contact Company of Women Travel in writing at mary@companyofwomentravel.com.

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